Do you have a prayer request? Fill out the connect card, call or email the church office at 256-586-5792 / or go to
Β Pray for:Β Don Brodersen, Dara & David Light, Michelle Scott, Barbara Trimble, Lisa Whitlock
Β In order to keep our prayer list up to date we have started over since it is a new year. If you would like to add someone, please complete the connect card in the pews, call the church office (256-586-5792) or email the church office at
In honor of Sue Beard for her dedication to the choir and Arab First UMC
By: Arab First UMC Chancel Choir
Birthdays This Week
January 26 β Kellie Prater
January 27 β Janet Calhoun, Mykal Scott
January 28 β Chris Kelley
January 30 β Paige Stewart
January 31 β Samuel Prater
Giving & Attendancefor Week β January 19
Worship In-person β 151 | Online/Radio β 65
General Fund
Received β $10,309.06 | Year to Date - $35,494.86
Arab First United Methodist Church
1058 North Main Street
PO Box 470
Arab, AL 35016