Arab First UMC provides Sunday School classes for all ages to aid spiritual growth in Christ through Bible study and interaction with others. Theses classes welcome everyone and strive to create a holy and comfortable atmosphere to grow in Christ, to read and study his Word, and to face the work week with a thankful heart. Sunday morning small groups meet at 10:00 am.
Room 121
This class is open to women of all ages. The leader is Nancy Stewart and the location is room 120. Various Bible studies as well as book studies are
used. The class is an eclectic group of Christian women who love the Lord and want to learn and share with each other! They have “Prayer Partners” much like Secret Pals. Every age group of women is represented in this class; it makes for some very lively conversations to say the least! This group cares for one another and constantly strives to lift each other up.
Current Study: “Gods at War”
Room 118
This class meets Sunday mornings in room 118. Debby Heidt is serving as leader. The class is open to adults of all ages, with members ranging from 25 to 70 years of age, married and unmarried, with and without kids. The blend of generations and backgrounds is awesome! There is prayer, fellowship, and contemporary topical studies during their Sunday morning time.
Current Study: “The Whine List”
Room 120
This class meets on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am in room 120. Jordan Stewart is the serving as the leader for this new small group. All ages are welcome!
Room 124
This class meets on Sunday mornings at 10:00am in room 125. Wes Cantrell is the serving as the leader for this new small group. All ages are welcome!
Current Study: “Seeing Gray in a World of Black & White” by Adam Hamilton
Adult Ministry at Arab First United Methodist Church offers a variety of programs that nurture spiritual growth as well as promote fellowship. We encourage you to share in the planned activities aimed at meeting the needs of our church family as well as extending God’s love to the community.
Members prayfully knit or crochet shawls that are then blessed by our entire church family during worship services on a given Sunday before given to those in need of prayer and encouragement.
Items made by David’s Prayer Shawl Ministry are available free and whenever needed…there is a supply always on hand…the ministry just needs to be aware of the need/request.
For further information or to request a prayer shawl or other handmade item, CLICK HERE or call the church office at 256-586-5792.
(Prayer shawls, pocket prayer shawls, lap blankets, baby blankets, chemo caps, infant hats, scarves, etc. are some of the items available upon request.)
This small group meets every Wednesday at 10AM in room 118. Experienced and non-experienced people are invited, church family and community family. Anyone can come every week or as often or as little as needed.
Click here to see the newsletter from Prayer Shawls for Families of Service members. Arab First UMC provided 6 shawls for this ministry.
Arab First UMC regularly provides prayer shawls to Prayer Shawls for Families of Servicemembers. PS4FS is a network of needle crafters ministering to families of the fallen. Since 2006, volunteers have given 9,419 prayer shawls.
On Sunday, January 28 during morning worship services, Ms. Dawn Liebner updated the congregation on David’s Prayer Shawl Ministry. The altar was beautifully adorned with shawls & blankets made by members of this group which was founded in 2008 by Ms. Joy Privett in memory of her brother, David Dyson. One side of the altar held blankets that will be provided to military families through a wonderful organization, Prayer Shawls For Families of Servicemen ( The others are free to anyone who needs them, or available to take and bless others with. All material is donated by members of the group, or through donations made to AFUMC. In 2023, 127 prayer shawls, 118 pocket prayer shawls, 27 baby blankets, 13 lap blankets, & 32 scarves were given away!
Thank you to all the members of David’s Prayer Shawl Ministry for providing comfort & joy to those in need!
Our 50+ members meet each month for fun and fellowship. A planning committee works to provide a variety of events and/or one day trips.
All men are invited and encouraged to be a part of the United Methodist Men, which does various projects throughout the year such as cookouts using our portable grilling trailer, organizing Room in the Inn, local mission work through Habitat for Humanity, the annual Dragon Boat Race in Guntersville, an annual appreciation meal for the police department or city employees, and helping with projects for the needy and the elderly. A men’s groups also meet regularly for Wednesday night study.