Arab First United Methodist Church Safe Sanctuary 

September is AFUMC's Safe Sanctuary Training Month! We are encouraging all of our AFUMC members to please take the Safe Sanctuary Training. 

This training is now available ONLINE! We are very excited to be able to have this option! This training and test will take about 30 minutes. Once you complete and pass the training, please print out or email your certificate to the church office. This certificate will need to be on file at AFUMC. Your training will be good for 3 years. 

You will also need to complete a background check after you complete your training. You will need to get the paperwork from the church office. Everyone will need a background check done by AFUMC even if you are a teacher, government employee, etc. Once completed, this background check will be good for 3 years also. 

This training is required for those serving in children and student ministries.  

Please make sure to take the Safe Sanctuary BASIC training course. 

CLICK HERE to see Arab First UMC's Safe Sanctuary Policy. 
